Cannon Hill Pond
Gold predominates around Cannon Hill Park’s pond as seasons change. A legacy of the Olmstead brothers’ vision, the pond is home to fish, frog, turtle and Mallard duck. In rare times, an errant moose or Great Blue heron enlivens the population. Winter finds ice skating action or hot cocoa by firelight.

Manito Wall
As part of a 1907 commission by Spokane, landscaping of Manito Park was part of the famous Olmstead brothers’ design. In spring, cascading flowers adorn rock walls below Rose Hill, voted the winner of the 2007 All-American Rose Selections Display Garden out of more than 130 gardens nationwide.

Spring On High Drive
When the inland northwest is carpeted with the bright yellow flowers of the balsam arrowroot, then spring has arrived. Spokane’s High Drive skirts this dramatic slope over Latah Creek and is popular with joggers and hiking.

Bowl & Pitcher
Impressive rock formations form the centerpiece of Spokane’s Riverside State Park. They are the prehistoric remnants of a mile-thick basalt flow that blankets the Columbia Plateau and is a popular outdoor draw for the community.

Manito Boulevard A picturesque avenue lined with attractive bungalow homes, this broad boulevard extends south from Manito Park and is divided by a median of chestnuts and maples- home to a large grey squirrel population.